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News from GESI researches!
This article in the local newspaper ‘NebrodiNews’ discusses our field researches on ‘inner areas’. In this case the focus is on the municipality of Castel di Lucio, where the GESI Unit of Catania collected several in-depth interviews to the inhabitants. Take a look at the article (in Italian) here.

1st GESI Seminar of the year!
We invite you at the 1st GESI SocioDemo Seminar of 2024, on Tuesday 16 January at 14:30. Emanuele Fedeli (University of Trento) will present his joint work with Moris Triventi (University of Milan) titled How school closures affected students’ performance and inequalities. Evidence from Italian municipalities. You can participate in presence or online. Further details: […]

GESI SocioDemo Seminar
Today, Rocco Molinari from the University of Bologna presented his joint work with Roberto Impicciatore and Livia Elisa Ortensi titled Legal Status and Immigrants’ Fertility in Italy: Investigating Previous Undocumented Histories Stay tuned for the next appointment on 16th January 2024!
About us
The GESI (Geography and Social Inequality in Italy) project investigates how the geographical area of origin affects different aspects of individuals’ life courses (educational and occupational opportunities, social mobility pathways, family dynamics and internal geographical mobility) and reverberates on social inequalities in life outcomes in Italy.

3D earth graphic symbolizing global trade, vector illustration.
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