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Online debate on ‘Aree interne’
On Tuesday 23 April 2024 at 16:30 join the online debate about Geographical Mobility in Italy, with a focus on ‘Aree interne’, animated by four GESI Professors: Davide Arcidiacono, Maurizio Avola, Nazareno Panichella and Francesca Tosi.Thank to Fondazione Bruno Buozzi to organize this online event and host it on its Facebook and YouTube profiles. Find […]

Next GESI SocioDemo Seminar
We are glad to invite you at the next GESI SocioDemo Seminar of 2024, on Tuesday 16 April at 14:30: How school closures affected students’ performance and inequalities. Evidence from Italian municipalities Authors Paul Maneuvrier-Hervieu (Università di Milano) Leo Azzollini (Università di Oxford) Anne-Marie Jeannet (Università di Milano) Further details Tuesday 16 April 2024, h. […]

GESI meeting in Catania
On 7-8 March 2024, Gesi researches of Milan and Catania units met to discuss about the on-going field researches and related publications. Participants: Maurizio Avola, Davide Arcidiacono, Rosario D’Agata, Rossella Bozzon, Simona Gozzo, Fabrizio Ferreri, Francesca Montemagno, Alfredo Miceli (online), Nazareno Panichella, Francesca Tomatis, Maria Giulia Montanari, Valeria Breuker, Hanne Gaukel. Thank for the great […]
About us
The GESI (Geography and Social Inequality in Italy) project investigates how the geographical area of origin affects different aspects of individuals’ life courses (educational and occupational opportunities, social mobility pathways, family dynamics and internal geographical mobility) and reverberates on social inequalities in life outcomes in Italy.

3D earth graphic symbolizing global trade, vector illustration.
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