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Last GESI SocioDemo Seminar

We are glad to invite you at the GESI SocioDemo Seminar on Tuesday, 20 February at 14:30. Francesco Molteni (University of Milan) will present his joint work with Giulia Dotti Sani and Ismail Lamamra (University of Milan), titled: “Stuck in the middle? Perceived discrimination and cultural assimilation of second-generation Muslim youth in Europe” Tuesday 20 […]

GESI presenting at SISEC 2024!

Starting from today 31 January until Saturday 3 February 2024, several GESI researchers are presenting their on-going studies at the VIII National Congress of the Italian Society of Economic Sociology (SISEC) titled “Employment, firms and territories between closeness and distance” at the University of Cagliari. Join us at the Session 6 “Migrations, Inequalities and Territories” […]

Seminar at University of Trento

Today the Center for Social Inequality Studies (CSIS) of University of Trento invited Prof. Nazareno Panichella (GESI’s principal investigator) to hold a Brown Bag Seminar on Family Migration and Women’s Occupational Attainment over the Life Course. An Empirical Analysis of the Tied Migration Argument in Interregional Internal Migration in Europe Abstract This study investigates the […]

About us

The GESI (Geography and Social Inequality in Italy) project investigates how the geographical area of origin affects different aspects of individuals’ life courses (educational and occupational opportunities, social mobility pathways, family dynamics and internal geographical mobility) and reverberates on social inequalities in life outcomes in Italy.

3D earth graphic symbolizing global trade, vector illustration.


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