University of Milan
Nazareno Panichella, Principal Investigator
Full professor
Social stratification; Migration; Geographical mobility; Sociology of labour; Inequality of educational opportunities
nazareno.panichella@unimi.itNazareno Panichella is a Full Professor at the Department of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Milan. His research interests include social stratification, migration, geographical mobility, sociology of labor, and inequality of educational opportunities. He serves as the scientific coordinator of the ECSR-CCA-NASP Spring School and is a board member of the ECSR (European Consortium of Sociological Research). Additionally, he is an associate editor of European Sociological Review (ESR).
Elisa Barbiano di Belgiojoso
Associate professor
Onward migration; Return migration; Working trajectories; Migrants' health
elisa.barbiano@unimib.itElisa Barbiano di Belgiojoso is an Associate Professor of Demography at the Department of Statistics and Quantitative Methods, University of Milan-Bicocca in Milan, Italy. In 2009, she obtained her PhD in Statistics from the same university with a thesis focused on demographic projections. Her research interests include a wide range of demographic issues such as international migration, poverty, family migration, family reunification, demographic projections, return and onward migration, migrant working trajectories, migrant health, and citizenship acquisition.
Valeria Breuker
Post-doctoral researcher
Social stratification; Direct inheritance of social position; Gender Inequality
valeria.breuker@unimi.itValeria Breuker is a Post-doctoral Researcher at the University of Milan with a research focus on social stratification, direct inheritance of social position, and gender inequality. Her work examines the mechanisms of social stratification and the ways in which individuals inherit their social position. She is particularly interested in exploring the role of gender in the inheritance of social position and its impact on social inequalities. Through her research, she aims to shed light on the complex processes that underlie social stratification and the factors that contribute to perpetuating social inequalities.
Stefano Cantalini
Assistant professor
Social inequalities; Family formation and fertility; Labour market; Migrations
stefano.cantalini@unimi.itStefano Cantalini is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Milan, where he focuses his research on several aspects of social inequalities, family formation and fertility, labour market, and migrations. With a Ph.D. in Economic Sociology and Labour Studies, he conducted empirical research particularly in the area of social stratification and demographic change. His research interests include the relationship between labour market participation and family formation, and the influence of demographic behaviors on social inequality.
Eralba Cela
Associate professor
Migrations; Ageing; Health; Wellbeing; Family studies
eralba.cela@unimi.itEralba Cela is an Associate Professor in Demography at the Department of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Milan. Her research is centered around population studies, with a particular focus on migration and ageing. Her work is focused on migration patterns from both the sending and receiving countries, as well as ageing and active ageing, health, wellbeing, life course analysis and family studies.
Hanne Gaukel
PhD student
Geographical mobility; Social stratification; Social networks; Migration
hanne.gaukel@unimi.itHanne Gaukel is a PhD student at the University of Milan, Italy. Her research focuses on geographical mobility, social stratification, social networks, and migration. Specifically, she studies how social networks affect the experiences of migrants and their integration into new societies. Through her work, she aims to understand the role of social networks in shaping migration patterns and the impact of migration on social stratification.
Anna Marie Jeannet
Associate professor
Migration; Economic Restructuring; Social Attitudes; Political Behaviour
anne-marie.jeannet@unimi.itAnne-Marie Jeannet is an Associate Professor of sociology at the University of Milan, where she studies how changes in the social structure, such as deindustrialization or immigration, alter political life. Her research interests lie in understanding how the public perceives these social phenomena and the role of the socio-political context in shaping the public’s response to these occurrences. Anne-Marie Jeannet is the principal investigator of "Deindustrializing Societies and the Political Consequences" (DESPO), a project funded by an ERC Starting Grant (2020-2025). She is affiliated with the Dondena Centre for Social Dynamics and Public Policy (Bocconi University) and the Migration Policy Centre (EUI).
Maria Giulia Montanari
Post-doctoral researcher
Migrations; Social inequalities; Labour market; Welfare Policies; Economic Insecurity
mariagiulia.montanari@unimi.itMaria Giulia Montanari is a Post-doctoral Researcher at the University of Milan. Her research focuses on the areas of migrations, social inequalities, labor market, welfare policies, and economic insecurity. Her work aims to provide insights into the complex social dynamics and inequalities related to migrations both within and across national borders. Through rigorous analysis of various social and economic indicators, she examines how these factors intersect and impact the lives of individuals, households and broader communities.
Luisa Salaris
Associate professor
Population ageing; Depopulation; Migrations; Labour market
salaris@unica.itLuisa Salaris is an Associate Professor at the University of Cagliari and her research interests span population ageing, depopulation, migrations, and the labour market. Her work explores the social and economic implications of population changes, including the ageing of societies and the effects of migration on labour markets. She utilizes both quantitative and qualitative research methods to examine the complex dynamics of these demographic phenomena.
Simone Sarti
Associate professor
Social stratification; Health inequalities; Social change; socio-cultural evolution; Multivariate analysis
simone.sarti@unimi.itSimone Sarti is an Associate Professor at the University of Milan, where he conducts research and teaches on topics related to social stratification, health inequalities, social change, socio-cultural evolution, and multivariate analysis. His work is aimed at understanding the mechanisms that underlie social inequalities in health and wellbeing, with a focus on how social, economic, and cultural factors interact to shape individuals' health outcomes.
Giacomo Solano
Assistant professor
Migrant integration; Migration policies; Migrant entrepreneurship; Social networks
giacomo.solano@ru.nlGiacomo Solano is Assistant Professor in Migrant Inclusion at the Nijmegen School of Management, Department of Economics and Business Economics. He is affiliated to the Radboud University Network on Migrant Inclusion (RUNOMI, He holds a PhD in Social Sciences from the University of Amsterdam and University of Milan-Bicocca (joint degree). His research interests include social and labour market integration of migrants, migrant entrepreneurship, comparative integration policies, social dynamics in developing countries and social network analysis.
Francesca Tomatis
Post-doctoral researcher
Family dynamics; Fertility; Life courses; Gender inequalities; Education
francesca.tomatis@unimi.itFrancesca Tomatis is a Post-doctoral Researcher at the University of Milan, specializing in family dynamics, fertility, life courses, gender inequalities, and education. Her research focuses on understanding how family formation and fertility decisions are influenced by educational attainment and gender roles, and how these decisions shape individuals' life courses and gender inequalities over time. She is also interested in examining how family dynamics and gender inequalities intersect with other social factors, such as race/ethnicity and socioeconomic status, to shape individuals' life chances and opportunities.
Raffaele Vacca
Assistant professor
Social networks, Migration, Health inequalities, Science of science, Computational social science
raffaele.vacca@unimi.itRaffaele Vacca is a sociologist and data scientist with expertise in social networks, migration, and health. He is currently based at the University of Milan, Italy, where he holds appointments in the Department of Social and Political Sciences and the Behave Center. He is also a courtesy faculty member at the Bureau of Economic and Business Research at the University of Florida, USA. He is interested in how social interactions, relationships, and support networks develop within immigrant communities and shape their lives in different countries.
Antonina Zhelenkova
PhD student
Gender inequality; Social stratification; Education; Migration
antonina.zhelenkova@unimi.itAntonina Zhelenkova is a PhD student at the University of Milan, specializing in gender inequality, social stratification, education, and migration. Her research explores the complex interactions between these areas and their impact on individuals and society.