Last GESI SocioDemo Seminar of the Year

The last GESI Socio-demo seminar of this academic year, held today, was well-participated. It featured an interesting debate where Emmanuele Pavolini presented a work titled “Equalizing or not? Public childcare and women’s labour market participation”.


Last GESI SocioDemo Seminar

We are glad to invite you at the GESI SocioDemo Seminar on Tuesday, 20 February at 14:30.
Francesco Molteni (University of Milan) will present his joint work with Giulia Dotti Sani and Ismail Lamamra (University of Milan), titled:

“Stuck in the middle?
Perceived discrimination and cultural assimilation
of second-generation Muslim youth in Europe”

Tuesday 20 February 2024, h. 14.30-16.30

You can participate in presence or online. Further details:
SPS Seminar Room (I FLOOR, CONSERVATORIO SIDE – via Conservatorio 7, Milan)
MS TEAMS (link: ID riunione: 376 132 828 582 Passcode: PZSm8C

This study examines cultural assimilation of immigrants in Europe, focusing on differences in attitudes towards gender roles, same-sex relationships, traditionalism, and religiosity between first and second generation immigrants and natives. It also considers the influence of religious background, perceived discrimination, and age on these differences, using two theoretical arguments (Cultural Proximity and Blocked Acculturation). The results show that, overall, second-generation migrants are more similar to natives across religious backgrounds. However, migrants from Muslim-majority countries still lag behind natives, though they are closing the gap faster than other migrants. Additionally, Muslim youth are assimilating less, particularly among those who perceive themselves as discriminated against. This suggests a form of “blocked acculturation” among younger second-generation immigrants of Muslim background.

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